on glamourbombing

I've been meaning for a while to write a post about glamourbombing (Eshari's description is one of the best I've seen, no lie). You may know it as Poetic Terrorism (obligatory disclaimer: I love a lot of Hakim Bey's ideas but disagree vehemently with some of his lifestyle choices), or Outlaw Clowning within the Faerie Nation community.

Personally, I've got a checkered history with glamourbombing: I love doing it, but I do not know if I am particularly good at it, and as a result I haven't done it in a long time. Perhaps that's why I feel so drawn to write about it?

I guess this is a good place to start: glamourbombing goes hand in hand with a lot of otherkin stuff, particularly the fey-flavored. I do not think I would be drawn to it--I do not think I'd love it so much--if I weren't otherkin. My fondness for it is one of the big tipoffs to me that I'm somehow otherworldly.

But I think that to pretend that it's largely otherkin, or even that most otherkin do it or are interested in it, is potentially deceptive. While I haven't seen statistics I'd be surprised if that were the case on either count. It speaks volumes that not only was one of the most best and most dedicated glamourbombers I knew a chaos magician, but that the weakest section in the otherwise incredibly awesome Field Guide (which you really ought to read if you haven't already) was the part on glamourbombing.

We have something to do with it, in other words. But we're not quite joined at the hip.


Oh my... though this is a bit old I'm flattered by the mention of my website! (I'm Eshari) I understand your point about it being a bit wrong to think it's mostly otherkin doing it or that all otherkin do it, but it did arise within the otherkin community, so the idea of a link, at least, is valid.

August 22, 2013 at 2:23 AM  

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