camping story 2

(further camping stories under the beltaine 2008 trip tag)

While I was out camping that weekend one of my friends officially came out to me as otherkin. So much for faedar. Since I met her a few months ago I'd been more focusing on how she reminded me of someone I knew than on any otherworldliness. The Silver Elves, though, like to say that if you reach out 'kin come--so maybe that's it? Synchronicity in the extreme. (And what's this blog, if not a way of reaching out?)

I'd been very excited for a long time about the prospect of meeting another 'kin, and imagined lengthy chats on origin stories, lots of energy games, and just a whole lot of chatter about it. Instead what I got was a very nice reserved chat, not metaphysics and ontology--we shared symptoms and Awakening stories and that was all. We might as well have been talking about sports teams.

I wouldn't call it anticlimactic per se. The whole feeling of you too, huh? that's cool. wasn't what I expected but I found it very pleasant and relaxed. It's very nice to feel like it's just a normal thing and not a big deal.


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