Human Hatred

I don't 'get' a lot of the hatred and belittling of humans in the otherkin community.

First, I find a lot of the words thrown around to describe vanilla, white-bread, non-otherkin humans to be anywhere between ridiculous to useless to offensive. Muggles--really? You're a Harry Potter character now? Mundanes--are they really that boring? Even the pagans and the wild mystic dreamers? Hoomans--yeah, because you're just mispronouncing a word to refer to a group, one they use for themselves, no less. You're just playing with words. How could that possibly be construed as offensive?

In its worst forms, it honestly pisses me off--pointing out genuine differences isn't awful, but racism, no matter in what direction, no matter who against, is stupid. Why won't the word "non-otherkin" suffice? Why are we so interested in inventing a new and very literally racist slur?

Whether or not you like it, you are, at least--gasp--at the very least primarily biologically human. (You may have dragon blood, but you are almost certainly still a matter of the human race for any practical purposes.) Non-otherkin may be frustrating, they may be short-sighted, but they can also be patently amazing. They make beautiful art and perform amazing acts of lovingkindness. (The great human artists and thinkers may have been startouched and wild, but they're also just that--HUMAN artists and thinkers.)

Are we really so pessimistic that we throw out the baby with the bathwater? Are we so desperate to get in touch with our 'kin sides that we abandon our human sides? (Superficially, that is. The people saying these things still seem to have electricity, computers, and internet connections, so apparently humans don't suck that much.)

Do we hate ourselves so much that we cannot look in the mirror and admit that while we're strangers in a strange land, while we may be different, we still have some part of us--even if it's a superficial biological part, or a societal part--that's human?


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