Why the Scorn? part 4

The continuing saga. Check the tags for previous entries.

4) You're all just posers pretending to be your favorite story characters!

If I were doing this, I'd go whole-hog and claim to be a Time Lord. (Hell, last season made it easy.)

There's no convincing people like this, not that I'm very interested in convincing people I'm fey in the first place. I can tell people very sincerely that I don't read a lot of fantasy, I don't really like Tolkien, fey things of all sorts make me ill and queasy to approach due to my too-deep love. And I'd say I'm still romanticising and posing. That's okay. Again, I'm not really out to please anyone.

I don't think this is something we can remedy from the outside; the concern will always be there. (How do we know you're actually a dragon? How do we know you've achieved samadhi? How do we know you've achieved knowledge and conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel? You can see signs of it, but you can't know for sure.) And, honestly, it should be there, I think. Self-examination and self-doubt are healthy. Believing anything too firmly is dangerous. Maybe I'm in the minority, but while this one can be irritating and petty I like it too. It makes me uncomfortable, and it makes me think and reanalyze--and in the end that leaves my beliefs about myself stronger for it.


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