otherkin yoga?

I have a preliminary draft for "otherkin yoga" put together, designed to:

1) Reduce pain and other physical discomfort associated with phantom limbs.
2) Further integrate phantom limbs into the individual's understanding of their body and aura--in other words, to increase the individual's everyday awareness of hir phantom limbs.
3) Via number 2, further intensify the individual's species' energetic current in the individual--long story short, to cast a glamour and make you seem more of an [insert species here] in a human body.
4) Potentially aid with the remembering of past lives, the discovery of phantom limbs, and other aspects of otherkin-specific existence.

I've been testing and tweaking it for about a month. Some aspects are pretty refined; others aren't.

If you're interested in seeing the document or helping out with this project (so far it only deals with wings; since I haven't got anything else I don't know how to stretch or manipulate it, and would appreciate help) drop me a line at veamoryn@gmail.com and I'll send you the document.


Sounds cool. Will you be putting it on your blog/site when you're done with it?

December 4, 2009 at 11:09 PM  

Sounds like a lovely idea. I know I am late commenting, but oh well.

March 23, 2013 at 7:57 PM  

Did anything ever come of this?

August 29, 2014 at 8:22 PM  

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