
How does being otherkin influence our politics?

The general pattern in the otherkin community seems to be that otherkin are either politically left or libertarian. Is that specifically because we're otherkin, though? Many movements that draw otherkin, like paganism, environmentalism, and GLBTQ, also tend to be libertarian or liberal.

I don't really see many otherkin political stances espoused other than those, and rarely in great depth. The Silver Elves' books and love letters are full of ideas I'd identify as anarchists, where individuals exist as autarchs and move occasionally into collectives, which they can act in and leave freely. I expect that real-life otherkin organizations such as House Kheperu have their own organization--as in, a political structure that is, in a way, an ideal--but I'm unfamiliar with what most of them use. (Anybody who knows of a real life otherkin organization and how it's structured, feel free to drop me a line at veamoryn at gmail dot com, because I'm curious.)

Where are the conservative otherkin? I'm sure there are gun-toting, Bush-voting, flag-waving dragons (or some such) out there. Why isn't there more political discussion in the otherkin community, other than vague leftist/libertarian sentiments?

Is it a good thing that we're not discussing politics much, generally? Would it just drive us apart from each other? Do we not talk politics because we're afraid of creating rifts in our tiny communities? Do we not find political issues to be very important?


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